Thursday, December 06, 2007

Walk of Shame: Contempt for Christians

Normally I'm not one for dispensing punishment on anyone based on what may or may not be misguided social regulation, but this case makes me tend towards that whole eye for an eye thing. I'm repulsed that the military protects its officers to such an extent as to allow this waste of flesh to get off with only two years in a deep dark hole that is military prison.

Christians are also adopting Bush's mode of cooperating with congress. That is, not. How rich do you think they are? Sen. Charles Grassley would like to find out.


Th' Dave said...

I always thought a tax-exempt organization had to make their finances public. Shouldent they?

TheRedKap said...

Yes, they should. It's a sign of their political clout that the government has let them get away scot free so far.