Showing posts with label Hero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hero. Show all posts

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tim Russert: 5/7/1950 - 6/13/2008

Tim Russert Died of a heart attack on Friday. Tim Russert was one of the few reporters left who had the ability to speak truth to power. He could be trusted to ask hard questions about real issues to politicians and when they tried to weazel out of it with rhetoric or prefabricated statements, he would follow up with more tough questions and hold their feet to the fire. His dedication to honest journalism displayed a respect for the average people that is absent in most news coverage today in the old media. The professional respect and dedication he showed are why he is one of my heros. The world is a better place for him having been in it.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Licence To Carry Stops Shooting Spree
This is exactly the kind of story that gun rights advocates have been wanting for so long. Someone with a right to carry permit stopped a mad gunman from causing a bloodbath in a church. This is exactly the kind of thing that will be pointed to in any debate about gun control when someone mentiones the Virginia Tech massacre.

I acknowledge that it is bad taste to capitalise on the suffering of others for political gain. I only wish I were eloquent enough to be sensitive while talking about the grisly events of the day. I think this event raises some serious issues that need to be discussed, but people died. And it dishoners the memories of the dead to wave this tragedy as a banner.

Also, my first reaction to hearing this hero speak on the air today was actually one of revulsion. Hearing Assam say that God was on her side made my stomach turn and I shouted, "But God wasn't on the side of those who died?" In retrospect I was probably being too harsh due to my inherant discust for outward religious posturing.

I want to extend my sympathies to this brave woman and the bereved families. As well as my sincerest wish that the courage she showed today stays with her. Shooting someone, even when justified, can't be an easy thing to deal with.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Boyscouts are heros

Boyscouts rescue an injured hiker by building a stretcher from scratch and carrying her 3 miles to safety.,2933,303957,00.html