Thursday, January 03, 2008

Son Of A Fuckin Bitch!

So Sheraton picked their new chief executive of beer and somehow my application got overlooked. Some pencil neck whos probably never even had a beer in his life decides to give the job to some big shot brewery owner from Arizona who "decorates" his house with beer bottles. Ya, I got beer bottles all over my house too but I didn't know you were supposed to put that on the application. Usually people dont want to discuss things that attract ants to your home but I guess in Arizona, its the only thing that takes your mind off the heat.

And for that matter, Fucking Arizona? Who the hell in Arizona nows shit about beer? Tell me that. I am from Wisconsin and we can drink any state or country under the table. Seriously, Wisconsin has the only university that I am aware of that for your freshman year botony class project you brew beer. I, myself, am the product of briliant genetic manipulation. They crossed my genes with that of robust hops and barley. I'm constantly drunk off my own blood, and I tell you, it makes driving difficult. But hey, theres amature drinkers and then there's professionals.

They don't even have water in Arizona. How the fuck are you gonna brew any beer when you are rollin around in the sand and makin your houses out of mud? He must be cheatin and puttin in some of that cactus juice that fucks you up and calls it water. I'm on to you now you smug bastard.

He fucking drugged the commity. Thats the only possible explination. And after I gave that fuckin guy a reach-around in the bathroom. I used my Larry Craig special and everything. He fuckin promised me I would get the job. See if I ever call him again.

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