Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Mainstream Media

What is the Mainstream Media? How often do people think about this phrase? Does it have a commonly accepted definition? Why is there such a problem with what is commonly referred to as the Mainstream Media? All of your questions answered, but first a message from our sponsors.

Without a doubt, the Mainstream Media is one of the buzzwords of our modern society, with close to 11 million results on a Google Search, and its own convenient acronym to use with blogging, MSM. Interestingly, 'mainstream media' doesn't return any results on Google Trends, but MSM does, as it apparently means something in Spanish. But somewhere between the opinions of Noam Chomsky, the Wikipedia page on Mass Media, and the homepage of the Mainstream Media Project, lies a very tangible effect that I think we've already seen a little of. Coming up, how the MSM impacts your daily life, but first a message from one of our sponsors!

As Charlie Savage pointed out in the Boston Globe, which, as of printing is one of only a handful of mainstream news media outlets to publish anything about this most recent signing statement. Some bloggers and organizations, however, have taken issue with Bush trying to impose a foreign policy upon the next President. Bush, of course, is doing nothing but acting in a unilateral fashion.

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