Monday, September 17, 2007

You're on the ship, the USS Censorship

This is writen from an English perspective. As much as the limeys are afraid of freedom this article draws attention to a bill in the Senate will enact censorship here in the land of the free. Write your freedom hating senator and tell them to stop hating freedom.,,2170822,00.html

go here to find out why you should care.

1 comment:

MasterBozerDocHoc said...

Are we really so scared of adolescents masturbating? All I read of the 'nipplegate' was an image to make young boys happy at night and an event where parents should practice parenting. Why are we so retarted trying to raise our young that we ignore them (our kids we are trying to 'protect') and focus on the government to enact laws so events like 'nipplegate' don't happen?

Actions like this doesn't help our youth of today, only helps our parents of today ignore what our youth are dealing with.