Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm in ur phonez stealin all ur rightz

Basically the phone companies gave all your calls and emails and internet activity to the government. The courts have said it was illegal. Now, in order to avoid being sued, basically by all of us, the telecom companies are asking the government for immunity from prosecution.

Wright your elected representatives at every level of government and tell them to hold these companies responsible. We may not be able to hold the old media responsible for failing in their duty to us in the run up to the Iraq war, and the Democrats are still too chickenshit to hold the administrations feet to the fire, but hopefully we can make the telecom companies pay for the greveous wrong they have done us. Ma-bell folding under the pressure from a huge law suit is a small price to pay for freedom. Some people have to pay for our freedom with their lives.

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