Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blame FOX for the weakness of the Democratic party!

The Democrats are perpetually weak and cowardly, continuing to falter to the same political rhetoric that has been defeating them since 9/11 and lets face it since Clinton left office. Probably since before but I am too young to remember a time before Clinton. So whats the solution? Blame Fox News! They are to blame for the same cowardly behavior in the media after all.

How do we stop Fox News? Fox needs to be counered by an equeally radical channel on the left. Air america failed not because Liberals can't shock people with the same circus but because the average person can't relate to liberalism. That's why the charge of being liberal elietists sticks. There is no clear common sense connection between liberal philosophies like single payer healthcare and the daily lives of normal people. Colbert hit the nail on the head with"truthyness." People believe in O'Riley even when he's lieing because they feel his truthyness and that underlying "moral" message speaks to them.Also, Liberalism does not benefit from years of intentionaly tieing the politics of the party to unrelated issues of morality like the Goldwater Conservatives. I don't just mean their lip service to the religious right, but the strong pathos associated with a work ethic in America. People hate anything broadly defined as wellfare because the American values independence and self reliance and feels shame at taking a handout because we are taught by our society to work for our bread. Until liberals can play the same dirty game the conservatives have been and play it correctly and earnestly by actually believing their own bullshit and tie issues of social justice directly to the common perception of what is right we will never hold on to the gains we have made in the last election.

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