Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tasers: Tool or Crutch?

As if tasering "helpless" people wasn't in the news enough, here's another great example. Apparently, if you're a 15 year old autistic boy, the police are gunning for you every way they can. Short of actually shooting a kid who has problems interacting with the outside world in head, of course, because people think that looks barbaric.

I don't mean to argue that there aren't good uses of tasers. Arguably, this example serves to demonstrate why police officers have tasers in the first place. On the other side of the "unwilling drunk" coin, here is another example. Note how the guy appears to be trying to sleep it off. Besides, how are you supposed to move any muscle in your body when there are 50,000 volts going through your body, ala this example.

What do you think?

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