Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tazers? Yeah, maybe not that safe after all

In an effort to correct what appears to be a rampant stereotype that getting shocked with thousands of watts of electricity is somehow safe, the National Review of Medicine, a digital newspaper for physicians in freedom-hating Canada, brings us this article. Three deaths are reviewed and apparently ti's hard to determine what made them die, particularly in a case in Vancouver, that we previously reported on. The debate is whether being in an excited state of delirium causes people to suffer spontaneous death when combined with tazing, as one can imagine it is hard to verify the theory. The bottom line is that the multiple uses should be avoided. Tazer International is betting on a 'drug-induced' delirium state that can explain away all of the deaths. There has been noise since 2004 as to whether or not tazers cause people to have 'ventricle fibrillation.

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