Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another Big Fuckin Suprise

This is one of those things that is actually news of the situation being worse than previously known. However, noone will take any notice because everyone already assumed it was this bad. Basically, ATT was tapping EVERY FUCKING CALL, EMAIL, OR BIT OF INFORMATION you transmited over their lines.

Thats really fucking important!

The question being tossed around in the courts and the legislature is weather the government can tap calls involving foreigners because its pretty fucking clear that tapping the calls of a US citizen is illegal. But thats exactly what they have been doing.

1 comment:

TheRedKap said...

How can we be sure that this has stopped? We can't trust the government crooked enough to do it in the first place, and the corporation crooked enough to not only go along with it, but create a new branch of the company to further this cooperation.